✨ Reminder: Do not use an exchange wallet address for mining as rewards can be lost. ✨
vARRR, merged mining enabled. For best merge-mining results, please use Raddr or rewards can be lost. ✨
Over the next week we will be adding stats to the miner dashboard.
Pool API
blocks (Pending & Paid Blocks)
blocks/orphaned (Recently Orphaned Blocks)
history (Historical Hashrate)
market (Market Stats)
miners (Miners List)
network (Network Stats)
payments (Payment History)
stats (Pool Stats, Network Stats, Market Stats)
Miner API
blocks/address (Blocks found by miner)
miner/address (Miner Details)
miner/history/address (Historical Hashrate)
earnings/address (Earnings History)
payments/address (Payment History)
worker/address.worker (Worker Details)
worker/history/address.worker (Historical Hashrate)
Push Notification API (Work-In-Progress)

push (JS EventSource Stream)

var liveStats = new EventSource("https://luckpool.net/verus/push");
liveStats.addEventListener('stats', function(e){
  $("#liveJson").append("push.stats: "+e.data+"\n");

Available Events: [cookies,block,payment,stats,worker_up,worker_down]
